Thursday, May 21, 2015

Happiness is a Successful Surgery

Long day. Very tired.. But couldn't go to bed (read nap before they call me down to the  CICU) without posting a little update.

Jack rocked his double Glenn surgery today!!! He won't need any more surgeries until he gets the fontan at age 3. All of his doctors said he did wonderful during surgery and didn't give them any trouble. He is resting in the CICU on lots of pain killers. He is very puffy looking, especially in his face and head because of all the new blood flow to his head. He has lots of tubes and wires, but he looks good. His nurse said the puffiness goes away  12 to 24 hours after surgery. 

I'm going to post a couple pictures of Jack post op. I think these pictures are important for 2 reasons. 1 being I want everyone to really understand  just how strong baby Jack is. The things he has to put up with and push through are incredible... But he is so resilient and strong and amazing and I am such a proud mama, I feel like I have to share his strength with you all. And 2, I want Jack to be able to look back at these pictures and see how far he's come (some day!)... If he ever doubts his strength, I will have photographic evidence that he was strong from day 1. 

Anyways, if you do not want to see them (they may be upsetting or unsettling to some) stop reading now! Otherwise, the following are a couple pictures from the day...

I will try to sit and update much more indepth tomorrow.. But the most important update is that the surgery was successful and that Jack is being such a trooper!!

Xo Marissa 

Cheers to Jack (and atavan) at lunch! 

Guess which one is Andrea's?? ;) thank you to tab for meeting us for lunch and some much needed comic relief! And thank you to the bar tender for buying us this round and wishing Jack well!

Post op in the CICU. Our big brave boy! πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™

Grandrea brought Jack Jack a little friend to watch over him and keep him company πŸ’™

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