How has he been? Great! Teething.. which isn't so great. That's actually pretty terrible. But since surgery, he has been eating more in one sitting. He is also sleeping much better. He is no longer on the oxygen! He has been chatting away more and more... he is smiling and laughing. He is perfect.
Jack has to take a blood pressure medication 3 times a day. He is back on Lasix (but already weening off). He can take motrin and tylonol as needed for pain. He also takes half a baby aspirin once a day.. which he will continue to do until his next suregery when he is 3.
Jack had a follow up appointment in Boston Friday and it went great. Dr. Ronai looked at us at one point and said "This couldn't have gone any better." And no one could have said anything any better to us-- what a wonderful, gratifying feeling after all the tears and fear. We go back in 3 weeks to meet with genetics and with Dr. Ronai one last time.. her fellowship is up and she accepted a job in Portland, Oregon. :( :( :(
Thank God for my mother.. I know I say it all the time, but I don't think I can say it enough. She was there for us the day of surgery and everyday since. She moved into my house to help us with Evie.. she has cooked, cleaned, played, sang, rocked, food shopped, soothed, hugged, loved and every other which way you would think someone could be helpful in this situation. I swear she could move mountains. I love you, mom.
That's it for now..
xo Marissa