Thursday, February 8, 2018

Filling the Faulty Tub

It’s kind of like we are living in this weird, broken down tub. We had been sitting in it empty for a while with the spout just trickling drops of water. Drip. Drip. Drip.

Then we are told to wait for a call with a surgery date and someone shoves the plug in the drain. The water is still trickling out, creating a small pool at the bottom of the tub. Little by little. Day by day, the puddle grows.

We get the call we are waiting for.. March 28th Jack is scheduled for his Fontan. Then out of nowhere, the water is turned up to full blast. Everyday the water grows deeper, but it’s happening faster and faster. I’m standing on my tippy toes trying to keep my head above water while holding each kid up and dry and safe.

When we are post op and Jack is home with us, that’s when someone finally pulls the stopper. The tub starts to drain until we are left with a more manageable, shallow puddle.

But that leak. That drip, drip, drip. It’s always going to be there. Because that’s dealing with congenital heart defects. It’s never ever ever over. It’s just a matter of time before that tub starts acting up again.
At his 3 year check up... all 2’10” of him! 🥜

Someone is in a big boy bed.. he clearly hates it. 


In his chewie sweatshirt from Auntie Becky