Tuesday, April 19, 2016

The Great Binky Debate

Binkies. You either swear them off or swear by them. Evie made it easy.. She never liked taking a binky. We never had to stress about weening her off because it was never something she was interested in. Jack is a completely different story. 

Nothing gives me more anxiety than what other people think about Jack still using a binky. Some have made off hand comments about that thing still hanging out of his mouth. Why does he still have it? Why does he need it during the day? Why don't you just make it available at bedtime only? I get it people.. Maybe it's getting to a point where I should start weening him off. But you look at his binky and see a crutch.. A hunk of plastic that needs to be phased out. I see something much different.

Flash back to almost exactly a year ago. Jack had his first open heart surgery at 4 months old. My precious baby boy... Ripped open, machines pumping his heart, keeping him alive.. To mend his little heart. After surgery, for days, I could not pick up my son to comfort him. At a time where all he wanted-- no, NEEDED, to feel comfort and that everything would be ok all I could do was stand by his bed and watch him suffer in pain. Until 4 months, Jack didn't take a binky. After heart surgery, it was a source of comfort.. Comfort I could not give him.

I know it's silly, but I think the binky means more to me than it does to most mothers. I owe the binky more than most. So no, I'm not really ready to just toss it aside just yet. Neither is Jack.. And I'm totally ok with it. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

See You in October

Jacks cardiology appointment on Friday went amazingly well. 

We loaded the kids in the car bright and early and headed into town. 

Evie was very excited by the promise of a giant fruit cup upon arrival.

The kids loved playing with the magnetic boat, sand table while we waited.. And waited.. 

Finally it was time for a weigh in and height check. His weight has been pretty much stuck at 18 pounds for months now so that wasn't a surprise, but he has been growing height wise so Dr. T said he's not worried.. So we aren't either..

Next up on the agenda was an EKG. Jack was less than thrilled about the stickers and having to leave them on.

Next was the echo.. Easily my least favorite part of the day. He just screamed and cried the entire time.. I literally had to wrap myself around him so the tech could get some pictures.. It was pretty brutal.

Evie was a little freaked out by it. At one point she curled up on my legs as Jack screamed.. But she dug deep and comforted her brother with gentle pats and a couple "it's ok Jack Jack"s

Once we finally met with the cardiologist it was smooth sailing. They were happy with how he and everything inside looked. He still has a leaky valve but it looks about the same. He said they will probably be able to repair it during his next surgery, the Fontan, because it's not worth opening him up now just for that. So with all that being said, we were told to come back in 6 months! Which is exactly what we wanted to hear. 

So see you in October, BCH!!