Monday, August 3, 2015

Puréed Squash with a Side of Drugs

Since surgery, Jack has been on a blood pressure medicine called Captopril. Because he is so young and so small, we have to get the prescription as a compound. The pharmacists crush up pills, mix it with water and we'd use a syringe to give it to Jack. 

He started with a small enough dose that we could mix it with tylonol or a little formula. Once he got a little bigger, his dosage went up and mixing was no longer an option. Eventually, administering his Captopril felt more like water boarding my poor son. He would scream, cry and choke. I would have to wait until he was screaming just to shoot it to the back of his mouth... He would gasp, take a giant gulp and you could hear the air travel all the way down to his tummy. It got so bad, and my son is so smart, that he would see the syringe coming and literally STIFF LIP ME! I couldn't get him to open his mouth!!!

Finally, after numerous calls and pleas, he has been switched over to a different medicine called Analopril. It's essentially the same thing but the dosage is lower and we can crush the pills up ourselves and hide it in baby food. It's been a cake walk ever since!!

I must admit, I feel a little bit like Walter White from Breaking Bad when I'm crushing up his pill to a fine powder.. Or maybe more like Jesse Pinkman. Either way, it's an amusing thought to have while doing a not so amusing task. I never thought in a million years I would have to be giving a 6 month old blood pressure medicine! 

Today, it was squash for dinner. With a sprinkle of Analopril. 

And just for good measure here are a couple cute ones I can't resist sharing...

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