Monday, July 27, 2015

EI, EI.. Oh?

Both Jacks cardiologist and his pediatrician suggested that I call and have Jack assessed by EI. 

What is EI? Early intervention. My initial reaction was absolutely not. My son is perfect and there's nothing wrong with him.. Other than the obvious. I didn't want strangers coming into my house and judging my son.. Picking his every move or facial expression apart. No thanks. 

That's not really what it's like at all.. And I know it's only what's best for Jack. He still isn't rolling over. He gets to his side and gets stuck. I'm afraid it may be my fault. He's spent most of his 6 months not on this earth but in my arms. He would sigh and would jump and scoop him up. His doctors said they always suggest EI to any kid with CHD.. So I finally made the call today and they are coming August 18th. 

Hopefully they come and say he isn't eligible for services.. Only because he's already needed so much.. It would just be nice to hear he doesn't need any extra help. I just want him to thrive.. But if it takes services to help him thrive, we will do whatever it takes. 

Feeding himself 

Sitting up with a little help from the boppy

Close your eyes, mama.

Loves playing with his toes.

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