Tuesday, August 25, 2015

The missing piece

One year ago today, Jeremy, my mom and I spent a long, exhausting day at Boston Children's Hospital. After numerous scans, tests and meeting multiple doctors and nurses we had a definitive diagnosis for our baby.

I can close my eyes and I can picture us in that small, dull conference room with the tissue box sitting in the middle of the table. They must go through a lot of tissue boxes. I can feel the wave of emotions all over again.. A numbness that grows from the back of my neck and just seeps down my spine. There were tears. There were hugs. The shock and severity of the situation was too much to handle. I remember telling my mom it was just too much.. I had already lost my dad and now I might lose my son? We sat in stunned, tearful silence as they drew a diagram of my baby's heart on a big, white dry erase board. With every screech of the smelly blue marker, they tore at the very fabric of what my family was suppose to be, and tore it to shreds.

I am so grateful that we live here. I'm beyond grateful that we met Dr. Ronai that day and that she was able to guide us through this first year of Jack's journey. That day was awful, but a blessing in disguise. It put us on the path we needed to be on to ensure Jack would get the absolute best cardiac care in the world. 

A year ago it felt like the final piece to my family puzzle would be forever missing. I thought I would never get to see the whole picture. Thanks to Dr. Ronai, Dr. Tworetzky and Jack's surgeon Dr. Quinonez, I have all the pieces. And as all you blog readers know, it's one beautiful picture.

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