Wednesday, August 12, 2015

An Open Letter to [an Older] Jack

My Sweet Jack--

You, my boy, were mine from the second I knew you existed. Your Dad and I knew we wanted you and that you'd make our little family complete. The day we found out that you were a boy, it was one of the most exciting, happiest days of our lives. It was also a sad and scary day.. we found out your heart was in a sense broken and we weren't sure if there was a way to fix it.

The doctors told us we could give up. Give up on you and move on like you never existed. We just couldn't-- you had already laid roots deep in our hearts that couldn't be ripped out, no matter what anyone said.

So if you ever wonder why.. why your Dad and I decided to keep you and continue this journey..

Why you have to wear this scar on your chest..

Why you may not be as fast as the other kids..

Why you have to take these medications..

Why we worry about you..

My sweet, sweet boy. I'd heard the amazing sound of your heart beat. I'd felt your unbelievably strong kicks in my belly. I saw that flicker of a heart pumping-- though the image was grainy, the strength of that warrior heart was clear as day. So if you ever wonder why you are here, this is it..

We loved you so deeply that an entire life without you would be far worse than a life with you for any brief amount of time. We have done and will continue to do whatever it takes to keep you happy and healthy.

The answer is so simple. And it's the answer to many things in this life-- Love.

MRI @ 18 weeks pregnant 

Post Bilatteral Glenn Surgery 

The zipper

And now :)

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