It's been a while since I've posted... A little too long! I can't believe it's been 6 weeks since Jack's big surgery!!!
I have been meaning to post an update, but it's been so difficult to find the time. It's been busy, but it's been the most wonderful kind of busy. I feel like I've been repeating myself over and over.. When people ask me how it feels to have this part of Jack's journey behind us, my response is always the same. It literally feels like we got to start over again as a family. It feels like we got the biggest do over you could ask for. As of now, there are no restrictions for Jack. We can finally pick him up from underneath his arms!!! Can you imagine? For the past 6 weeks, we've had to scoop him in some very creative ways, as to not pull at he incision site. He can do tummy time and work on rolling over. He can eat solids! We aren't stuck being held up inside.. We can go to the park and enjoy the sunshine. I can take him into a mall without being terrified of him catching a cold. For the first time, we feel like a normal family. And normal has never felt so good.
Jack is currently on 2 doses a day of blood pressure medicine or as Evie calls it, his yucky medicine. He hates it and has learned to stiff lip me as soon as he sees the syringe. He is also on a low dose aspirin regimen once a day.
We had our final appointment with Dr. Ronai a couple weeks ago (I think I hugged her for 10 minutes and cried).. She told us he looks absolutely amazing.. And to enjoy our summer! We don't have to go back to childrens until October! We also met with a geneticist, Dr. Roberts at this visit.. She fell in love with Jack and also said he looked great and was developing right on track. We see her again in January.. Just to check in and make sure he is still on track.
Jack is just the sweetest, happiest most lovable baby boy-- the scar is the only giveaway that he is sick. Other than that, Jack looks and acts like any almost 6 month old baby.
Is there a bigger word for "grateful"? If so, that's what I am.
LOVES this thing
Almost as much as he loves EATING!
At his last childrens appointment
Chilling with Sofie in the Bumbo!
Yea, you need a few more teeth before you can dive into calzone buddy.
..but I'll "shave" it for later.
Dipping his feet at Ossippee lake
Photo cred to auntie Kerri and uncle Eric on this one!
My son and I <3