Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Happy 3 Weeks, Jack

It's been 3 weeks since Jack's been born.. and 2 weeks since he's been home.

We've had a visiting nurse come once or twice a week to check on his weight and blood pressure. We have also brought him to his pediatrician a couple times for weight checks and to check his oxygen saturation. We've been struggling with breast feeding... his little heart works overtime when he is nursing and he had been tuckering out pretty fast. After a lot of weight gains and losses, pumping, nursing, tea, chugging water and countless talks with lactation, all of a sudden Jack started nursing like a champ on his own. He has gained a couple ounces since last Friday, so the visiting nurse today was very happy with him! Which made me feel so much better and way less stressed out about not being sure if he was getting what he needed to grow and thrive.

My mom, after 3 weeks is finally back at her own home.. enjoying some peace and quiet. Jeremy is back at work. So it's been Evie, Jack and I here at home. So far, so good! Bed time is a bit of a challenge, but like everything else about surviving with a 2 yearly and a nursing newborn, it's all about timing. I make sure Jack is fed and content right before Evie goes up. Evie's routine isn't too interrupted.. We still brush her teeth, feed the dog and pick out books during pre bedtime, only now we tuck Jack into his bouncer in his room before we head to her room to rock. He was perfect last night-- didn't make a peep. The peeps started once we got back downstairs and Evie decided she wasn't quite ready for her crib and needed extra rocking time with mama. Luckily, Jeremy was home for dinner so he hung out with Jack while I gave Evie extra love.

And now... pictures :)

Doctor office selfies

Blue steel!

Auntie Becky stopped by for a visit! Thank you for all the gifts (auntie Marlene too!), lunch and especially the great company! 

Impromptu sleepover with niece Gabby!

Minions wearing minions.

My main man

Thank you Linda, this is my favorite onsie!!

Built TOUGH!

Shai protecting her little brother. 

Loving on her brother..

My best buds

All dressed up with snow where to go!! (thanks to all this snow!!!)

Jack has a cardiologist and a pediatrician appointment on Friday. Keep your fingers crossed the snow doesn't get in our way and we can get to Boston on time!!

Thanks for reading! Til next time...
xo Marissa

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