Friday, February 13, 2015

Celebrating Valentine's Day a day early.. with a cardiology appointment :)

After what felt like days on Storrow Drive and sitting in snow bank obstructed Boston traffic, we arrived at Jack's cardio appointment a half hour late.

He got weighed (now a whopping 7 lb 5 ounces) and measured (20 inches long). His blood pressure was great and his oxygen saturation level was 88 (right where they wanted him). He flew right through his EKG and all looked well there!

One of our favorite fellows, Christina Ronai, came in and checked him out and she was very happy with the little guy! She said he looked awesome and all his numbers were right where they should be. Her only concern was his weight.. as an average, he is only gaining half as much as they would like to see. We will start giving him 1 bottle of formula and or supplement pumped breast milk with a teaspoon of formula once a day (if and when I can manage to pump.. which is not easy with a working husband and a crazy 2 year old keeping us busy). Jeremy asked her when she thought he'd need his first surgery. She said 4 to 5 months.. as long as he kept up his rockstar status and continued to gain weight. We don't have to go back for another cardio appointment until the last week in March :)

Jack also went to see his pediatrician for a weight check.. I think they all just like to see Jack. He is pretty cute! He was very happy with Jack and stocked up with a ton of Similac samples.

My mom stayed here with Evie.. and cooked us a delicious chicken ziti and broccoli dinner! So again.. thank you mom! You are just the best! xo

Before I leave you with pictures from our day, I wanted to share a little story from our day. After we checked into the cardiology clinic, we went to sit down in the waiting room. A woman sitting in a wheel chair commented on how cute and how small he was and asked how old.. Jeremy told her and she congratulated us as we sat down. She said she brought her baby daughter to the cardiology clinic when she was just as small as Jack.. Jeremy asked her how old she was now and she said 15.. and she is a healthy young lady. She said they took care of her daughter. We had this moment with this perfect stranger.. a moment of shared experience. She shared her story with us and gave us a little hope without being cliche about it. She didn't tell us everything will be fine-- because she doesn't know Jack. She doesn't know his diagnosis.. but she recognized how we must be feeling. That small exchange just made me feel like a could take a breath and be OK for a moment.

OK, now pictures.

Lot's of sticky probes for his EKG.. but he took it like a champ.

Dr. Ronai, Jack and Mama. We love you, Dr. Ronai!! 

Finally resting after a long day.. for both Jack and Daddy.

xo Marissa

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