Friday, February 13, 2015

Celebrating Valentine's Day a day early.. with a cardiology appointment :)

After what felt like days on Storrow Drive and sitting in snow bank obstructed Boston traffic, we arrived at Jack's cardio appointment a half hour late.

He got weighed (now a whopping 7 lb 5 ounces) and measured (20 inches long). His blood pressure was great and his oxygen saturation level was 88 (right where they wanted him). He flew right through his EKG and all looked well there!

One of our favorite fellows, Christina Ronai, came in and checked him out and she was very happy with the little guy! She said he looked awesome and all his numbers were right where they should be. Her only concern was his weight.. as an average, he is only gaining half as much as they would like to see. We will start giving him 1 bottle of formula and or supplement pumped breast milk with a teaspoon of formula once a day (if and when I can manage to pump.. which is not easy with a working husband and a crazy 2 year old keeping us busy). Jeremy asked her when she thought he'd need his first surgery. She said 4 to 5 months.. as long as he kept up his rockstar status and continued to gain weight. We don't have to go back for another cardio appointment until the last week in March :)

Jack also went to see his pediatrician for a weight check.. I think they all just like to see Jack. He is pretty cute! He was very happy with Jack and stocked up with a ton of Similac samples.

My mom stayed here with Evie.. and cooked us a delicious chicken ziti and broccoli dinner! So again.. thank you mom! You are just the best! xo

Before I leave you with pictures from our day, I wanted to share a little story from our day. After we checked into the cardiology clinic, we went to sit down in the waiting room. A woman sitting in a wheel chair commented on how cute and how small he was and asked how old.. Jeremy told her and she congratulated us as we sat down. She said she brought her baby daughter to the cardiology clinic when she was just as small as Jack.. Jeremy asked her how old she was now and she said 15.. and she is a healthy young lady. She said they took care of her daughter. We had this moment with this perfect stranger.. a moment of shared experience. She shared her story with us and gave us a little hope without being cliche about it. She didn't tell us everything will be fine-- because she doesn't know Jack. She doesn't know his diagnosis.. but she recognized how we must be feeling. That small exchange just made me feel like a could take a breath and be OK for a moment.

OK, now pictures.

Lot's of sticky probes for his EKG.. but he took it like a champ.

Dr. Ronai, Jack and Mama. We love you, Dr. Ronai!! 

Finally resting after a long day.. for both Jack and Daddy.

xo Marissa

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Meet Jack's cardiologist!

Jack's doc

We are very thankful for Dr. T and the whole cardiac team that cares for our little guy. 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

To my mother


How do you thank someone that puts their life on hold so you can get your own together?

I don't know if I know anyone else as loving and selfless as you. You tell me I'm the best mom.. but it's only because I got to learn from the best.

I want you to know how truly and deeply appreciative we are of you and all you have done for Jeremy, Evie, Jack and I the past 3 weeks (and the past almost 31 years for me). Taking so much time off from work to be here for me at one of the most uncertain, scary, emotional and stressful times in my life.. how do I thank you for that? From cleaning, to cooking, to helping Jeremy food shop.. coffee runs, ordering dinner so we didn't have to cook.. doing laundry, countless dishes.. waking up with my screaming girl at ungodly hours day in and day out.. staying at Children's and waking up every 2 hours with Jack so I could go home to be with my baby girl get sleep (sleep that you yourself weren't getting).. staying at my house and not going home once to be here to play with, bathe, feed, care, love and nurture my daughter when I couldn't be here to do it.. how do I thank you for that?

You have been there for my family and I in every which way a mother can be there for her kids.. and grand babies. To say I am at a loss for a way to say thank you would be an understatement... There is no gesture grand enough and no word strong enough to begin to describe the gratitude and love I hold for you in my heart. So I will spend everyday of the rest of my life making sure you feel the love and appreciation you so deserve.

You are amazing. I am a better daughter, mother and person because I have you in my life. And my kids are so lucky to have you as their Grandrea!!

I love you more.
xo Rissa

Happy 3 Weeks, Jack

It's been 3 weeks since Jack's been born.. and 2 weeks since he's been home.

We've had a visiting nurse come once or twice a week to check on his weight and blood pressure. We have also brought him to his pediatrician a couple times for weight checks and to check his oxygen saturation. We've been struggling with breast feeding... his little heart works overtime when he is nursing and he had been tuckering out pretty fast. After a lot of weight gains and losses, pumping, nursing, tea, chugging water and countless talks with lactation, all of a sudden Jack started nursing like a champ on his own. He has gained a couple ounces since last Friday, so the visiting nurse today was very happy with him! Which made me feel so much better and way less stressed out about not being sure if he was getting what he needed to grow and thrive.

My mom, after 3 weeks is finally back at her own home.. enjoying some peace and quiet. Jeremy is back at work. So it's been Evie, Jack and I here at home. So far, so good! Bed time is a bit of a challenge, but like everything else about surviving with a 2 yearly and a nursing newborn, it's all about timing. I make sure Jack is fed and content right before Evie goes up. Evie's routine isn't too interrupted.. We still brush her teeth, feed the dog and pick out books during pre bedtime, only now we tuck Jack into his bouncer in his room before we head to her room to rock. He was perfect last night-- didn't make a peep. The peeps started once we got back downstairs and Evie decided she wasn't quite ready for her crib and needed extra rocking time with mama. Luckily, Jeremy was home for dinner so he hung out with Jack while I gave Evie extra love.

And now... pictures :)

Doctor office selfies

Blue steel!

Auntie Becky stopped by for a visit! Thank you for all the gifts (auntie Marlene too!), lunch and especially the great company! 

Impromptu sleepover with niece Gabby!

Minions wearing minions.

My main man

Thank you Linda, this is my favorite onsie!!

Built TOUGH!

Shai protecting her little brother. 

Loving on her brother..

My best buds

All dressed up with snow where to go!! (thanks to all this snow!!!)

Jack has a cardiologist and a pediatrician appointment on Friday. Keep your fingers crossed the snow doesn't get in our way and we can get to Boston on time!!

Thanks for reading! Til next time...
xo Marissa

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Settling in and Adjusting to Home Life

It's been almost a week of having Jack home and I've gotten a lot of messages asking how we are all doing, especially Jack. So I thought I'd give you all a little update.

Jack has been such a superstar. It's like he doesn't know what's going on inside his chest-- He is just like any other newborn. He is actually very mellow. The only time we hear from him is if he needs a diaper change, a feed or just wants a quick snuggle. He went to his pediatrician last Thursday and we had a visiting nurse come here Saturday. Both said he looked good, and his weight was OK. As long as he is steadily gaining and not losing, we will be good to go. We saw his pediatrician again today and he had gained 2 ounces! :) He was very happy with this and said we can stretch our next visit out a whole week. So we will see him again next Tuesday for another weight check.

Evie is still loving being a big sister. She can be a little... intrusive of Jack's personal space, but only because she loves him so much. We are working on using gentle hands and patting him on his belly or his arms as opposed to his head and face. I believe we have about a 20% success rate at this point... we will keep practicing though ;) She loves to hug and kiss him.. and always asks to hold him. I think she is going to be a really loving, attentive big sister.
 Sister snuggles


Jeremy and I are adjusting to life with a newborn (round 2) and life with 2 kids. It's been a pretty easy transition so far.. thanks mostly to a certain Grandrea! She has been with us since the weekend before I gave birth and has been the biggest help we could have ever asked for. She's been amazing... I really don't know where to begin to describe how much she has done for us.  But that's a whole blog entry all in it's self that we will save for another day.
Nap time with Daddy

C is for Cutie

Jack's first Patriots game just happened to be a Super Bowl... and we were overjoyed to have him home with us for a Super Bowl party.. AND a big Patriots win!!!
Posing with Daddy after the big W!!

Loving on Auntie Tabby

Patriot baby burrito

You mad bro?

Auntie Angie came by a couple times to visit, and brought us all a very much appreciated breakfast from dunks! She also got the most adorable throw pillow for Jack's rocker. I can't wait to get it (and the chair) into Jack's nursery. Jack also got to meet his cousin Will!

Jack's Auntie Lynne & Uncle Ben brought us a delicious dinner and dessert.. and cousin Gabby got to meet her cousin Jack. She even helped give him a bottle. We had such a wonderful visit and Jack got spoiled with snuggles.. we can't wait to have another visit.
Gabby, Jack, Auntie Lynne, Evie and Shai Shai

I guess feeding Jack is a spectator sport for toddlers...

That's it for now.. but I'll leave you with some pictures to tide you over until the next post...

Handsome lil' man

Too excited to sleep after a the Pats won

Got milk?

xo Marissa