Friday, March 23, 2018

Fontan Pre Op Festivities

Today was pre op day. Our check in time was 7:30 so it was a bright and early start for all of us.

The morning went by pretty smoothly and fairly quick. Started with vitals which to any typical child probably isn't all that big of a deal...but when you've been poked and prodded as much as Jack, stepping into any exam room -- even for the most trivial and noninvasive examination can be stress inducing. His oxygen saturation was at an 85, which while not all that shocking, is still distressing to see such a low number.

After vitals was the EKG with the stickers all over his chest.. Which he absolutely hates. When he cries during them, it's not just a cry just to do it.. It's this honest, but wrenching cry that rolls down your spine and leaves you feeling helpless.

From the EKG we went down to get his blood work done, which you'd think would be the worst of it all, but he was actually quite the trooper. A few tears but he took it like a champ!

From there we went for a chest xray. He's never been a fan of these but since he is such a big boy now, he got to sit up while I held his arms up  tight by his head. Again, a few tears but he did really well! And for any interested parties that would like to know what dextracardia looks like, look no further .....

Finally, from there we went to the cardiology clinic for an echo. He had a whole army in the room cheering him on.. Even grandma, sissy and  Fred the Ted got monitor stickers to try and ease Jack's nerves a little. It took some magic from laying with grandma, Evie sharing her favorite snuggle  bug and crazy cat videos to get us through .

This is where the day started to  slow and come to a screeching hault. There were a few people we had to meet so they put us in a small exam room.. Me, Jeremy , Jack, Evie, Grandma and an obnoxiously over loaded umbrella stroller.  And we sat. And waited. For 2 hours and 15 minutes. There were toys, snacks and kids all over the floor.

As sucky as it is to wait, I can't really complain. You just never know what the cardiologists are caught up in with other patients. You never know what emergencies have happened or what surgeries may have gone on longer than expected. I know I would never want to feel like our cardiologist was trying to rush us out the door-- and we never have had to feel that way at any of our appointments. Dr.  Tworetzky has always been very present and mindful and when seeing Jack.

  I had to step out at one point to take part in a local radio stations fundraiser for BCH. I  got to go on air and talk about Jack and how much BCH  means to us.

After meeting with  the nurse practitioner, who advised us to keep Jack  in a sterile little bubble until monday, we were finally  sprung and free to go home.

We have to keep this little man germ free at all costs...  his surgeon, according to the NP  today, is very conservative and will not clear Jack for surgery if he has the hint of a cold. so please please please send  us those happy thoughts and healthy vibes. We are ready to tackle this and put it behind us.

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