Thursday, January 28, 2016

A Really Expensive Shot And A Letter

Jack, like many cardiac babies, has to get a shot called Synagis. It's suppose to prevent him from getting RSV and other upper respiratory illnesses that are floating around during cold and flu season. If Jack were to get RSV, he could end up being hospitalized as it could quite possibly kill him. 

Unfortunately for us and so many other heart families, insurance companies do not like to cover this potentially life saving shot.. Why you may ask? Because it's REALLY expensive. How expensive? We just received our bill for the first 2 rounds.. $4174.30 and we still have 1 or 2 more rounds to go. And I thought the most expensive shot I'd have to pay for was at a bar in Boston..

It's January and we are already more than half way to reaching our deductible.. Oh but wait. We received a letter in the mail from the good old insurance company informing us that Boston Children's Hospital will no longer be in our network. If we'd like to keep Jack there to continue to see the best cardiologists in the greatest children's hospital in the world, our deductible DOUBLES to a ridiculous amount of money that we can ill afford.

I've been walking around in a state of constant panic. I find myself with a never ending knot in my stomach connected to a lump in my throat.. Holding back tears from the overwhelming stress and uncertainty of what we are going to do and how we are going to keep our heads above water. It's difficult enough to have a sick child and having to worry about their health and well being... No parent should ever have to worry about being able to afford the care their child desperately needs. Jack deserves nothing but the best.. And we are determined to keep him at BCH, no matter what it takes. 

Friday, January 15, 2016

A Difference

One year ago, I remember sitting on my bed and writing my very first blog post. I wrote it, erased it, rewrote, edited it (poorly), cried, edited it some more. I hovered my thumb over the post button for a minute, unsure if I wanted to invite you all into his incredibly intense reality we were about to face.  

One year ago, I was pregnant. I was hopeful, but terrified. I was prepared for the worst. I was [sort of] prepared to roll with the punches. I was [sort of but not really] prepared to see a very sick infant enter the world. I was [sort of but in no way] prepared to welcome and say goodbye to my son in whatever time frame God had planned for us. 

One year ago, life was a little simpler. We were a family of 3.. A mother, father and 1 healthy little girl. Our worries were much simpler. Diaper rashes and runny noses.. Eating enough vegetables. We didn't worry about oxygen saturation levels or open heart surgeries. We never worried about insurance covering anything or astronomical hospital bills pouring in. We didn't have Jack.

One year ago, our family wasn't complete. 

Amazing-- what a difference a year can make. 

From our gender reveal party.. the day after we found out he was very sick. We decided he deserved to be celebrated regardless of what was going to happen. 

21 weeks pregnant

One of my favorite ultrasound pictures. Looks like he's blowing bubbles. October 1st 2014.

Ultrasound, December 10th, 2014.