Tuesday, March 10, 2015

A cold or pulmonary obstruction?

Ah, it was so much simpler the first time around. If Evie coughed or sniffled or sounded congested, it wasn't really a cause for alarm. I may not have even considered calling the pediatrician. What's the point-- if she wasn't running a fever, it was probably just a cold and there's nothing you can do about it. Jack on the other hand-- he's a horse of a different color when it comes funky breathing.

Last night Jack was incredibly fussy and very congested. His breathing sounded very snort like.. I felt like I was sleeping next to a little piglet. To be completely honest, any little noise that Jack makes gives me this moment of sheer panic. As a veteran mom who's already done this whole newborn thing, I thought I'd be able to tell when it was something truly just "newborn" and not a heart related issue.

If Jack hadnt just stopped his Lasix (the meds that made him pee out any fluid that may have built up around his heart) I probably wouldn't have thought much of his congestion.. But it made both Jeremy and I nervous.

I emailed Dr. Ronai to let her know what was going on and told her though I thought it was just a cold, I'd call and make an appointment with the pediatrician anyway. Jeremy called and we were lucky enough to snag a cancelation. I took him in and his oxygen saturation level turned out to be fine.. And it was infact just a cold. He also weighed in at a whopping 9.8 lbs!!!!! If the pats end up losing Wilfork, Jack will be able to step in.

He has been very clingy and cranky today.. LOTS of nursing. Evie was a great big sister and took care of her brother. She was very patient and sweet despite a lot of the attention being on Jack today. 

My mom being the amazingly selfless woman that she is came up to watch Evie (despite being sick herself) so I didn't have to take her to the germy waiting room at the doctors office. She also stopped and got Jeremy and I dinner so I didn't have to cook. Seriously... Where did this woman come from and what did I do to deserve her?? Xo ma, you're the best xoxox 

Jack getting his oxygen saturation levels checked.. 
And telling me he's "THIS BIG" now :)

Baby wearing.. Because how else does anything get done??

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