Friday, January 23, 2015

A circumcision does nothing for the appetite..

It's been a long, emotion day here... Here are the highlights:

- I was discharged from BWH around 10 am

- jack had his circumcision done. He didn't make a peep and slept through the entire procedure.

- our plan was to snuggle and work on nursing today however the circumcision made him tired and not hungry. They inserted an NG tube down his nose to feed him.. So no nursing all day.. Just pumping which broke my heart into a million pieces

-Jeremy went home to be with my mom and Evie which is both wonderful and not so much so because my teammate is home and I'm here alone... Not alone because I have jack, but alone because he has been my rock.. And I don't feel as strong when he isn't around.

- jack was moved out of the NICU and onto the cardiology floor on 8 east... Which is again wonderful and not so much because it's a step closer to coming home but now I have to leave all the nurses I know and love to meet a whole bunch of new nurses that don't know jack.

-cardiologist came by and were not happy that the tube was put in and gave me the green light to nurse him. It took a few tears and about an hour but he latched like a pro and has had 2 feedings so far.

I'm going to get some sleep before he wakes up hungry.. For the boob and some snuggles ❤️

Keep the prayers and good vibes coming. Your continued support is much needed and appreciated!

Xo Marissa

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