If you are lucky enough to be unfamiliar with these evil little drugs, here’s your crash course. Anticoagulants (more commonly called blood thinners) reduce the risk of blood clots forming and/or traveling through your blood stream causing obstruction to other organs. These drugs literally thin your blood.. which the good news is: makes it hard for it to clot.. bad news: you bleed faster and longer than usual! And that my friends, is terrifying with a 3 year old.
So Jack has been put on Coumadin for 3 months. This means he needs his INR levels closely monitored to manage the increases and descreases of his dosage.. and do you know what that means? We get to torture our 3 year old (who is already terrified by a clinical setting) every 3-4 days with blood draws. And do you know what happens at the site of his blood draw? Giant nasty bruises—- another lovely side effect from the Coumadin.
For some reason, I thought things would get better once we left the hospital. But it actually feels harder. And sadder. I’m just ready for these 3 months to be over. I want some normalcy for my son. I want him to be able to run and be a 3 year old little boy without me chasing him and being afraid of every little step he takes.
Piggy the cat meeting fishy friends at BCH
The after math of this past week